It's a brand new newsletter for AnneArchy Art
Hello, dear people! I am attempting to Make An Effort and revive my newsletter with the goal of sending an update more than once a calendar year (previous behavior notwithstanding). There's so much happening and I want to share it with you!

As you may know, I continue to offer my goods at For Art's Sake in downtown Mount Pleasant, switching out my selection of wares on a monthly basis so there's always something fresh on hand. This is one of the best parts about FAS - they update regularly to offer new and different goodies. So many of you came out to the Market For the Arts (big thanks to FAS for making this event happen) in August and it was such a delight to see you! It was amazing to see cherished pals, to make connections with people I'd previously only met on instagram, and to meet all the new friends who visited my booth for the first time. I am such a homebody and it's really good to have gatherings like this to get me out of hermit mode every now and then.
I don't do very many markets, but I'm also selling online more than ever, both through my own website and on etsy, as well as on Faire to wholesale customers. If you have a favorite brick-and-mortar shop you'd like to see carry my wares, please direct them to my wholesale shop at or let me know. I'm also on Patreon, where you can choose to receive a sticker each month or several other perks. Thank you to all of you who continue to support my art!

Did you know that I have bookmarks? I finally found a printing company that uses 100% recycled paper, the bookmarks are also fully curbside recyclable, and the colors are beautiful. If you're like me, you can never have too many bookmarks. If you're looking for a concept that I don't have yet, please let me know! My next possible form for art is postcards - more to follow on that...
I've been inspired recently by Lisa, a pal I've known for ages, as she does amazing things! I have been trying to take to heart the expertise she so generously shares (and I was honored to create a custom image for her Nerd Girl Industries). She's also been busy writing - check out the Great Lakes-based anthology she's part of - get it at your local bookshop and/or request it at your local library! Like all of us, Lisa contains multitudes and it's worth celebrating!

And it's October! My favorite time of year! I'm really enjoying the autumn breezes these days, and looking forward to cozying up in my favorite oversize hoodies when it gets just a little cooler. And we're almost at the big election! If you're not yet registered, if you want to check your registration status, or if you want information on your local ballot, visit Vote411. If you'd like to hear me tell you why I think voting is so important, I'm here for you!
Thank you so much if you read all this way! Please get in touch any time (or just reply here) - I'd love to hear from you! - and check out my shop for my art and stuff with my art on it. :)